{"id":13,"date":"2014-11-22T22:30:02","date_gmt":"2014-11-23T04:30:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/wisconsinverbs.com\/?p=13"},"modified":"2015-02-16T10:59:54","modified_gmt":"2015-02-16T16:59:54","slug":"wisconsin-drinks-my-grandpas-old-fashioned","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/wisconsinverbs.com\/wisconsin-drinks-my-grandpas-old-fashioned\/","title":{"rendered":"Wisconsin Drinks: My Grandpa\u2019s Old Fashioned"},"content":{"rendered":"

I grew up with a love for maraschino cherries. Specifically, the cherries that were left to soak in the bottom of the tumblers my family drank from while at my grandpa’s on Milwaukee’s west side \u2014 cherries that were all soaked up with boozy Brandy Old Fashioned goodness.<\/p>\n

When I finally hit the appropriate age* to drink one of Grandpa Max’s Old Fashioneds myself – I had a sudden understanding of why there was so much laughter around the sheep head table, and such rosy cheeks.<\/p>\n

My grandpa’s Old Fashioned recipe is probably not your grandpa’s recipe. It’s not the recipe used by the famed Old Fashioned restaurant<\/a> in Madison, WI. There will be no orange. There will be no soda. It’s not the Old Fashioned made by beard-wearing cocktail artists\/mixologists who care about muddling things or using exotic bitters.<\/p>\n

But this is the drink that I will forever compare all other drinks to. It is simply the best.<\/p>\n