About This Site

Andrea Roenning

Hi, I’m Andrea Roenning.

I missed writing, so I started a blog. 

Yea, I’m the last passenger to get on the blog train. But I’m going to write a blog nonetheless.

A blog needs a unifying theme. I can’t just ramble on about general crap that happens in my life. I’m never going to be famous enough for that.

  • But I should write about things I know about. These things include:

    Wisconsin – I’ve never lived anywhere else.

  • Sports that don’t require eye-hand coordination like running, biking and cross country skiing.

  • Drinking beer and brandy.

  • Eating cheese.Hiking in our beautiful state parks.

Also, I should keep this light. Admittedly, I have strong opinions about nearly everything, including politics — but that’s not really what I want to talk about here. If you’re interested in hearing my opinions on other topics, you should just buy me a drink.

The formula will be Wisconsin + Verb + Topic I know stuff about = Blog Post.


The site logo was inspired by Lola, the three-legged labrador who loved adventures in Wisconsin as much as anyone.

If you’d like to learn more about me, head on over to andrearoenning.com